Sleep Disorders
Our sleep clinic offers services in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders.
Some of the reasons that GPs refer patients to a sleep physician include:
- excessive sleepiness or tiredness,
- snoring,
- insomnia,
- restless legs or periodic leg movements,
- teeth grinding
Some of these are associated with a very common sleep disorder known as sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea
This is a condition where you stop breathing for at least 10 seconds repeatedly during the night. It occurs when the muscles in the back of your throat and tongue get floppy as you sleep and obstruct your airways. If this happens too may times during the night, you will have a fragmented and poor quality sleep such that you are tired the next day. Other symptoms may include: poor concentration and memory, depression, sexual dysfunction, and falling asleep while at work, on the phone, or driving.
This can impact not only your quality of life but can have significant long-term health risks (high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, stroke or depression), if not managed appropriately. There are a number of treatment options including over the counter devices for snoring for milder sleep apnea, dental devices or CPAP therapy.
Sleep Studies
In order to diagnose sleep apnea, as well as some of the other sleep related symptoms, one may need to do a sleep study. This can be done either in the comfort of your own home (portable sleep study) or in a sleep lab.
If you opt for a portable sleep study, you will need to come to the sleep lab to get the equipment attached to you. You can then go home with these and sleep at your usual time and return the equipment the next day. You will the follow up the results of this test with Dr Naghmeh Radhakrishna.
If you live far away and prefer to have an in lab sleep study, then you will need to arrive by 7.00pm at the lab and you will be fitted with wires on your head, chest and legs. You will have your own room with private bathroom/toilet facilities and a king single bed and can use your computer, phone or watch tv as you would normally do at home.
You can bring your toiletries, reading material and your usual medications.